
Are you carried in the arms or led gently?

Isaiah 40:11 - He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young (nursing a young).

We all want to be carried in the arms of the Lord but the Lord's desire is like the desire of a human father to see his young one stand on its feet and walk by his or her self; only to be guided.

It is good when we are small to be carried in the arms of the Lord but do not continue to be carried. Are you still breast fed by your mother or attached to her by the umbilical cord?

It is time to grow up and this is will be shown when we nurse (minister) others.

When are we going to mature and be an example of Christ to others? That is the main purpose of the disciple and a true Christian (follower of Christ / little Christ).

[ Prayer Starter ]

Lord Jesus, You came are man to be king unto all mankind by being a humble servant. You showed us the way to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Lord Jesus I am not worthy or capable to lead others but by your Spirit all things are possible unto me. Holy Spirit, guide me and show me how to show Christ unto others. I ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Word of God was given free to us, therefore we should also share it freely with others.
(All rights are with God)