
People do not like salt

Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

People in this world do not like to be corrected. If they are right or wrong they want everyone to agree with them.

God knows how weak man is in the flesh, therefore the Lord tells us to always use grace and wisdom even when correcting people. There are some whom it is best to leave them with sight warning and not to push hard for these have hardened their hearts so much that, firstly it will be a waste of your time, and secondly they will show their ugly heads unto you. They may insult you or your ancestors, or even your God therefore it is best to avoid them.

One needs the Spirit of discernment to speak perfectly to any person in the flesh.

So if you lack the Spirit of discernment and are a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, just ask the Lord and He will surely give unto you.

[ Prayer Starter ]
Father God, Your people are away from the truth therefore suffering. Even then the truth is told unto them they do not want to listen. Help us Lord to tap into your grace that we may be able to use your wisdom, love and mercy in our every word unto your children...

We make this prayer in Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Word of God was given free to us, therefore we should also share it freely with others.
(All rights are with God)